Welcome to my world of journals!
Here I am, stretched out
among all my journals.
I'm reading excerpts,
smiling at how I’m
the same old person
but even older!
I remembered that I had
started a pencil sketch
of a jar of Truffle Dust
I’d been drawn to in the
Kroger Spice section.
After looking through
several journals feeling
frustrated, I remembered
I’d written a poem.
~ ~ ~
Looking for Truffle Dust
All morning she’d been searching
through old journals
for that half-finished sketch
of a jar of Truffle Dust.
On the way she read about
the death of an old friend,
how her sciatica had flared up,
how her car wouldn’t start.
She turned a page
and read about the frustrations
of not living up to her own expectations.
She read about wanting and needing
something like Truffle Dust
to magically change her life.
Then she drew a rainbow.
~ ~ ~
Writing often relieves
anxiety and frustration,
because when I start writing
I can often write myself out
of a dilemma.
~ ~ ~
I did find the sketch.
~ ~ ~
Then I remembered
a poem I wrote earlier
about a little girl
back in the 40s
wanting a “magic” answer.
~ ~ ~
That 50 Cent Dream
For 50 cents and a label
she could soon be one of an
inner circle who knew
Captain Midnight’s secret code.
The enticing radio announcer
said that the badge
had a tiny mirror
had a tiny mirror
to check for enemies
behind her.
For 50 cents and a
Peter Pan Peanut Butter label
Peter Pan Peanut Butter label
she could wear a magic ring
with a tiny ball point pen
in it’s “glow-in-the-dark” base.
Oh, the thrill of seeing
Sky King’s Flying Crown Ranch
insignia stamped on top.
For 50 cents and a label
she could show her own
movies on a wall
with her mail order
movie projector:
a tiny black plastic case,
two film strips,
a little handle you cranked,
a flashlight bulb glowing
behind the thin film loops.
Oh, the magic,
the power and glory,
a child could have
for 50 cents and a label.
She is still living on that
50 cent hope,
that soon all her dreams
will come true, one day
when she least expects it,
the mailman will show up
with her prize.
~ ~ ~
What have I learned
about this search for what?
Happiness, fame, love,
certainly, not money.
I've discovered that
in my wisdom years
in my wisdom years
I’m merging into being philosophical,
living in both/and land!
That balance of opposites.
The stillness of a
drop of melting snow.
The audacity to create a
Truffle Dust Logo.
Stay tuned . . .
and keep those cards and letters coming . . .
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All Those Journals