Tuesday, May 1, 2012



Here’s two new holy tomato plants.
I say Holy Tomatoes, because I’ve been
working in the garden I love so much.

I’ve planted tomatoes every year
I can remember.

From two years ago in my Earth Box.

This morning I brought coffee outside
and sat in my favorite chair
and wrote in my journal.

How wonderful to sit
under the Kousa dogwood again,
under it’s ever spreading 
umbrella of shade
that protects me from the sun.
It’s the perfect setting to wax poetic,
to reflect,
to remember,
to rejoice,

in the wonder of life’s offerings.

Like this Lenten rose bloom
I photographed last month,
 a gift from Suzanne's garden. 

It’s great to take photos of the hostas.
The garden reminds me
that a glorious awakening is
always just around the bend.

like a Buddha napping under
a frilly young Japanese maple. 

Lord, have I ever missed posting a blog,
I’ve been without internet from
a friendly neighbor, summert,
who has apparently moved away.
The good news, though, is that I
have been steadily writing on the fifth
draft of my Memoir
Confessions of a Blue Tomato

I am still longing to catch a wave, 
 or the brass ring,
 before that final bell tolls.
stay tuned . . .