Friday, December 23, 2011


A Blue Tomato World
Welcome to a Blue Tomato World,
a world of music and design.

Humor and Hollywood nostalgia.

I’ll just start by saying that
writing songs is more about
being born with a broken heart
than anything else.
I know it’s hard to think that
a baby can come out of a womb
so sad, and all, but I did.
It was like having a port wine
stain on my heart, 
except that no one could see it,
especially me . . . not until later.
That’s when I wrote my first song
“Yesterday’s Love” at 16.

So take a look around my house
and listen to a song I composed
on this piano.

“I Really Miss You, Tonight!”
This is a new arrangement
I made on a Yamaha Keyboard
with saxophone, guitar, piano/vibraphone.
Don’t think I still feel sad.
I love making art out of sad stories.
When I was 8, I was to be in a May Festival
with my first long dress.
Mother got a free trip
to her home office in Omaha
and a side trip to Chicago.
She was gone for a week.
She had never left me before.
I had to sleep on an old cot, because
a neighbor came over to stay with Grandma..  
and she slept in our bed.
I missed her so much that week.

So here's the song from YouTube
That's what Blue Tomato music is about.

Thanks for visiting.

stay tuned . . .
Scroll down for more blog posts

“Was Sisyphus Happy?”
“How Then Shall I Live”