Wednesday, June 30, 2010

At One With the Abelias

At One With the Abelias

I am “at one” with the abelias this morning,
clip-clipping with these old hedge clippers.
Good wood handles with sharp blades
like Moses, the handy man’s.

I could be right back in 1943 in early summer
hearing his clip-clip, clip-clip
outside the low kitchen window.
thin white curtains with
faded red stripes near the hem
blowing in the humid breeze.
The curtains hung from a flimsy metal rod
nailed into the wide painted woodwork of a
residential house built in 1905 in Atlanta’s West End.

A house in which abelias bloomed
every year in front of the porch bannisters.
and I am one with the abelias today
and with my past.

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