Saturday, June 23, 2012


Once upon a time,


I went to libraries,

where I learned to love books.

 This blog is my Ode.

Oh, Shug and Celie
you taught me to
pick myself up again.

Thank you, Alice Walker
for making me love again
with a different eye.

Flannery, you made
me love Georgia folks
with all their misfit ways.
Your writing style and
character descriptions
are a joy to read.

Oh, Scott Peck, from you
I learned that life is difficult,
that love is an action.

It is love that makes life bearable.

I learned about grace
and the courage to take
the road less traveled.

Marsha Sinetar, your book gave me
 the perfect support
 when I left a corporate job
to live a different life.
Oh, Eugen Herrigel,
 you introduced me

to Eastern Religion,
 the beauty of Zen,
 the power of the mind
when focused and relaxed.
J.D. Salinger, I was introduced to you
through your Nine Stories
one of which,
A Perfect Day for Bananafish,
we staged in 1958
for Reader’s Theater
at UGA Drama Dept.
Holden Caulfield will
live in my heart.
Your writing style is one I admire.
~ ~ ~

I must mention Thomas Hardy
whose naturalistic style
 first captured my interest
 in Return of the Native.
I've read all of his books.

I took more photos

made a little music video
entitled Ode to Books

Please take a look
and see the rest of the books!

Please press arrow in photo to play 

Ode to Books
~ ~ ~

stay tuned. . .

1 comment:

  1. I can always count on you, Chip, to inspire, evoke and inspire. Love it! Joy
