Wednesday, August 11, 2010


August is just too hot!
I miss working in my garden.

I go outside just to water early in the morning. 

I can’t sit outside and write in my journal

So, then I don’t do any sketches.

I miss my sketches.
But it's wonderful to look at them again!
That's what they're for.
Those awful Dog Days of August.

So, I’ve made this Blog with photos from the journal.

Like sketching books I love.

Grace Unfolding . . .

Still Life With Oysters and Lemons

 and  remembering when it was less humid
and RELATIVELY cooler!

But then it got hotter . . .

Soon, it’ll be cooler
and we can have something
scrumptious outside on the deck again!

and the leaves will be turning

stay tuned . . .


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