Monday, August 22, 2011


Writing a Memoir is sobering.

What to put in a book you’re calling,

“Confessions of a Blue Tomato”
What to leave out!

What about accountability?
Ay, there’s the rub.

Kids ate their pop tarts
washed down with our dregs,
We had Bloody Mary’s 
and Scrambled Eggs.

But, is this what the book is about?

Is it really about
Betty Crocker who mustn’t scream?
And isn’t it also about the Blue Tomato
who wrote songs because of
a broken heart?
Who also just edited in a scene
at a communications conference
that involved literature and sex
and was once a short story
I wrote called
Sleeping With Tolstoy.
What is my intent?
That’s what Marion the Librarian
is asking me in every sentence!
“What’s Your Intention?”
(That could be a Game Show!)
What kept me making my
unique entrances and exits
monologues and duets?
I want to write a story all the way from
showing my seven year old self
collecting paper and tin cans
and bacon grease,
delivering it to the meat man
to weigh and initial
so I can help win the War.

and get a Victory Badge.
Can that little girl be the Betty Crocker,
Blue Tomato
who Slept with Tolstoy --

and the woman who is writing this today?

This Memoir is an
 "I have a dream . . . story" 
to write music
to accomplish things 
to be somebody . . .

and has

 missed it a country mile,

as they say!

Yet, every time I set out to accomplish,
yet another bright idea,
there's a little optimistic soulful voice
down in “Who-ville”
that keeps cheering me on,
“Maybe, this time that dream
will come true!”
In one way I’ve already written it
in the lyrics in the Finale,
The Great Circle of Love,
from my musical -- Silent Dreams

“You have known, all along,
that inner song,
step inside, step inside, step inside
your soul.”

but will it pass the so, what, test?
 . . . stay tuned



  1. Like you, I like Marion Roach Smith's book. "What's it really ABOUT?" she (and other writing gurus keep asking. A hard question to answer -- but then stick with it. Write to that one idea. The rest has to go. Check out also Vivian Gornick's The Situation and the Story. Great advice there too. Good luck. So glad you like my blog!
