Saturday, November 26, 2011

Was Sisyphus Happy?

Was Sisyphus Happy?

He was condemned to heave a
huge round stone up a hill
only to have it 
roll back down thunderously,
over and over again.

 In Albert Camus' essay.

The Myth of Sisyphus

Camus writes: 

“The struggle itself toward the heights
is enough to fill a man's heart.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy."


Rollo May’s interpretation in his book
The Cry For Myth, writes,
“For Sisyphus is a creative person
who even tried to erase death.
He never gives up but always is devoted to
creating a better kind of life;
he is a model of a hero who presses on
in spire of his or her despair.
Without such capacity to confront despair
we would not have had Beethoven
or Rembrandt or Michaelangelo
or Dante or Goethe or any others of the
great figures in the development of culture.”


May’s interpretation inspires me
and makes me feel like I’m not so alone
in writing songs, especially when they
 may never be heard.
Yet, composing music out of despair
gives my life meaning.

I see from this journal entry
 I was once again
but continuing to create.

 Here's a new
YouTube Creation.
I took some photos of my art attempts.

I’ve Waited So Long For That Day
is The song behind
Blue Tomato Creations
I wrote that song thinking of
what someone would sing if they’d won
the American Idol Contest.

(opening lyrics)
I’ve waited so long for this day,
It seemed so far away,
I’ve found a place where I belong
Someone to hear my song
Someone to hear my song.

press arrow to PLAY

stay tuned . . .
keep scrolling down for
more blue tomato blogs...

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! You are a vastly creative woman!! I was going to say that my favorites were the mushrooms and the watercolor scene and flowers, but then came the dancing... What a wonder, Charlotte! Thank you for persisting.
