Monday, May 10, 2010


Welcome to my world of silent dreams!

I was an only child with no Daddy,

so writing songs, for me,

was always about being born with a broken heart.

I know it’s hard to think that a baby

can come out of a womb, so sad, and all,

but I did.

Mother loved the movies.

Posed me for photos,

so I wanted to be a movie star to make Mother smile.

I thought one day I’d be so famous

my Daddy would come and meet me,

so I majored in Drama.

But that didn’t go anywhere,

So, I married.

Raised a family.

Tried to play Jazz piano.

Fast forward a lot of years to when I get a keyboard

and write this song, Hold On To Your Dreams!

It’s so beautiful I write an entire musical around it.

Set it in New York where I wanted to go after college.

I called it Silent Dreams.

But than didn’t go anywhere, either.

So now, I live in a world of my own creation,

Put up movie star photos like I had when I was little.

Sketch in a journal.

Have a secret garden.

Take photos.

And I always have the music.

And that’s enough.


A Video of My World of Silent Dreams

is at this BBC link.

stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

  1. I care about your play and love the song,poems, and sketches.........Sister Bittina Rose
