Thursday, July 29, 2010


Socializing the Heathen
In my Writing Your Memoirs group
I’ve been reading the 6,000 wd. chapter
Socializing the Heathen to the class. 
Last night, I remembered two old photos
that fit in here.
 That’s the way I like to
create a blog post.
Here’s the poem, constructed from
the book Chapter of the same name.

~ ~ ~

Socializing the Heathen

If there’s such a thing
as part tomboy, part romantic, 
then that’s what I’m turning out to be.
Every Christmas I can’t wait
to go next door to Lester’s house,
because he gets everything I want.
Pound-a-peg, which I practically wear out. 
Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, an Erector Set.

(Little Lester & Me c. 1946)

The Christmas Lester gets his B-B gun, 
I just about die to shoot it!
I never wanted anything so much in my life
except for a pair of cowboy boots
and a Flex-i-Racer,
neither of which I ever got.
Lester’s Daddy nails up a target
on the garage door
so I start being really nice 
to little Lester, so he’ll let me
load and shoot his B. B gun.
I even let him win at Chinese Checkers
and try hard not to be so bossy!

Like making him Sheriff once in a while, 
instead of always my Deputy.

Meanwhile, I continue to get presents
like a squinty-eyed Bi-Lo baby
wearing a long embroidered gown. 
Whatever can you do with a baby?
You can’t even pretend a baby can talk.
“Goo-Goo!” That’s all babies can say.
Not, “Stick ‘em up!!” 
stay tuned . . .

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